Modeling and Field Oriented Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using FPGA


  • monika student
  • Farida Memon
  • Arbab Nighat Kalhoro Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro


In this paper a simple and rapid prototyping approach for PMSM motor drives using MATLAB/Simulink and HDL Coder is presented. The Simulink model of PMSM based on the dq structure and principle of field-oriented control (FOC) is developed and simulation results are presented. The proposed model is optimized and converted to VHDL code for FPGA deployment which eliminates difficult, error prone and time-consuming manual coding. The FOC current algorithm for PMSM is implemented inside Xilinx Virtex5 FPGA using the HDL Coder. The FPGA implementation of the overall controlling algorithm using HDL coder has certainly reduced the execution time significantly as compared to DSP based controllers thus increasing the productivity and opportunities to design more complex control algorithms in relatively short time. Besides this, proposed design is validated with the existing works. The implementation results reveal that the proposed field oriented controller takes only 20.875 ns of execution time with 47.945 MHz clock, which is the lowest and optimum calculation period for the era.




How to Cite

monika, Memon, F., & Kalhoro, A. N. (2021). Modeling and Field Oriented Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using FPGA. International Journal of Electrical Engineering &Amp; Emerging Technology, 4(SI 1), 42–48. Retrieved from