Design and Analysis of Multi-Level Inverter using Novel Control Scheme
Multi level Inverter, Cascaded H Bridge, Model Predictive Control, 5 LevelAbstract
An Inverter is a type of Power Electronics Converter which tends to convert DC (Direct Current) Power into AC (Alternating Current) Power. A Conventional Two-Level Inverter tends to give as output a square waveform which compared to sinusoidal AC Waveform required for most inputs in our life , the Two-Level Inverter thus tends to give us unsatisfactory output , with the square waveform having high harmonics thus decreasing the efficiency and other adverse effects on the Power System . Multi-Level Inverters on the hand are an improvement over the basic Two-Level Inverter by using Transistors ( IGBTs, MOSFETs) or Thyristors as switches which when supplied with power and turned on at different times through gate voltage would produce small Voltage steps which more closely resembles an AC Sinusoidal Waveform thus reducing the overall Harmonic Distortion and the electromagnetic interference thus increasing the overall Efficiency of the System .
In this research , a new Control Method for the Multi-Level Inverter is designed which would try to stabilize the output of the Multi-Level Inverter thus a Predictive Model Control which is a Process Control which optimizes the process of the MLI and can predict future events thus control the MLI based on it allowing it to maintain Voltage level no matter the load or disturbance applied to it and give us a Sinusoidal AC Waveform .