Frequently Asked Questions?
What types of papers IJEEET accepts to publish?
IJEEET publishes the original research papers, short research reports, case studies, review papers, short conceptual papers and technical note.
Is the IJEEET journal peer-reviewed?
Yes, all research papers accepted would be peer-reviewed before published.
Can I submit more than one research paper for the same issue?
Yes, one can submit more than one research paper at a time for same issue.
How long will IJEEET takes to peer review the manuscripts?
The IJEEET aims to provide a faster service. The peer review process will be done in 2-4 weeks time period for most manuscripts.
Is there any deadline to submit papers?
No, there is no deadline for paper submission, so you can submit your manuscript at any time. As long as the submitted research paper is accepted and peer-reviewed successfully, it would be published in the upcoming issue.
Do IJEEET provide paper template for preparing a manuscript?
Yes, IJEEET has developed a template in MS Word that can be downloaded from "IJEEET Journal websites".
Which type of file format IJEEET accepts?
Microsoft Word format only.
How to submit a paper?
Simply by mailing it at editors.ijeeet@gmail.com
When will corresponding author receive an acknowledgment email for manuscript submission?
The submissions are normally acknowledged within two days.
How to deposit publication fees is the paper is accept for publication?
If the submitted paper is accepted for publication, with the acceptance letter of the paper, the author will get the account detail to deposit fee from bank branch or by online transfer. For further information visit the publication fee page.