Author Guidelines

The authors are request to strictly follow the guide line for preparing the manuscript to be submitted to the IJEEET. The differing may adhere to rejection of the submitted papers before starting the review process.

Manuscripts written in MS Word (.docx) format should be submitted and send to
Papers should be typed in MS Word format and in Times New Roman font.
Paper should be formatted in single line spacing.
List of keywords should be given at most five.
Title of paper should be in 18 points, bold and words not more than 15.
Headings: 12 Points bold.
Author(s) name and affiliation should be in 10 points.
Text of the manuscript: 10 points.
Length of paper is limited to maximum double column 10 pages.
There should be maximum five authors in a paper.
Page margins should be as follows - top margin 1.2, bottom margin 1.2, left margin 0.7, right margin 0.7.
List of references must be according to the IEEE reference format.
It is recommended to use the template.
The plagiarism policy is strictly followed.

Copyright Transfer > Paper must accompany the Copyright Transfer Form signed by authors and to be sent by:

E-mail to The copyright form is available at IJEEET journal website.

Submission By E-Mail:

Submission of Manuscripts can also be done by email to .