Design of PI Controller for Wind Energy Conversion System Using MATLAB/Simulink
The aim of this paper is to design a controller for back-to-back converter that will guarantee the steady functioning of a wind turbine under fluctuating wind speed. Two stages of this process are carried out by several subsystems. The initial phase is performed by the mechanical component that transfers the wind's energy to a rotational mass then, it is expelled in the form of electrical energy in the second stage by the electrical subsystem. This study focuses on wind turbines with fully rated back-to-back converters are operated by Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators (PMSG). This converter is divided into two sides: The Grid Side Converter (GSC) of this converter interacts with the network, while the Machine Side Converter (MSC) manages the generator. The electrical grid is integrating numerous types of distributed energy resources, and interest in the control system of power converters is growing. Hence, a variety of control strategies have been examined; however, in the present work, the converter control system is based on conventional PI controllers. The acquired results have verified how the controller in the model operates. The complexity inherent in existing control systems has been reduced in the presented controller, which may also be constructed practically at significant cost savings.
Index Terms—PMSG, GSC, MSC back-to-back converter