The Transformer Oil Temperature Monitoring with Automatic Circuit Breaker Operation with SMS Alert


  • Ahsan Rasheed Mehran University Of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro
  • Anwar Ahmed Memon
  • Tarique Ali
  • Jawad Hussain Agro


Distribution transformer is most important component in power distribution system as it converts high voltages to low voltages for consumption. It can operate efficiently and for a long time if it operates on rated and good conditions. But, due to overload current and unwanted conditions, their life reduced significantly and unexpected failures will occur in the system. In distribution transformers, overloading and overheating are the main reasons for its failure. The aim of this research is to design a microcontroller-based device that can be used for the online monitoring and safety of distribution transformers. The system allows us to monitors the oil temperature, displays the fault status, and forwards the input to the automatic circuit breaker and GSM module, which sends the information to the control department through the SMS warning. It tracks the oil level at different time intervals. If it is above or below the normal operating level, it automatically isolates the distribution transformer from the distribution line. Before any disastrous failure, many operational problems can be recognized, thus, this will lead us to the long service life of the transformer. It has also advantaged of greater reliability and economical method.




How to Cite

Rasheed, A., Memon, A. A., Tarique Ali, & Agro, J. H. (2022). The Transformer Oil Temperature Monitoring with Automatic Circuit Breaker Operation with SMS Alert. International Journal of Electrical Engineering &Amp; Emerging Technology, 5(2), 11–14. Retrieved from