Integration and Performance Evaluation of Reduced Device Count Multilevel Inverter for Renewable Energy Resources


  • Noor Jahan Khan Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro


The most readily available form of energies nowadays are solar and wind energies as they are non-polluting thus contribute in reducing the greenhouse effect. These renewable energy resources produce DC output which is required to be converted into AC for utilization at large scale. Varieties of inverters are integrated in the system to perform this conversion. Conventional two level and fundamental multilevel inverters when integrated with these renewable energy resources then they generate power quality issues including switching losses and harmonic distortion. Therefore, there is a dire requirement to integrate the renewable energy resources with reduced device count multilevel inverters such that as the voltage at  output will go up, switches required to produce these levels do not increase significantly. Here, MATLAB has been used for modeling symmetrical developed H-Bridge MLI with PV and Wind energy resources. The PV and wind output is fed to symmetrical H-bridge Multilvel inverter for generating 5-level AC output. The THD calculated is 26.81%.Consequently, 5- level output which is AC is supplied to load




How to Cite

Khan, N. J. (2022). Integration and Performance Evaluation of Reduced Device Count Multilevel Inverter for Renewable Energy Resources. International Journal of Electrical Engineering &Amp; Emerging Technology, 5(2), 42–44. Retrieved from