The Performance Evaluation of an Induction motor with reduced components count multi-level inverter.

Performance Evaluation of Induction Motor when input is reduced components count MLI,


  • Farhat Mehdi Mirani Mehran University of Engineering and Technology


Induction Motor, MLI, THD, Stator Current Harmonics, Rotor Current harmonics


This research paper includes the simulation model of 3 phase Induction Motor with half bridge Multi level Inverter built in MATLAB Simulink. This involves constructing the block diagram of the system, including the inverter, the motor, and the control system. The output parameters of the motor are analyzed like Rotor Current, Rotor Voltage, Stator Current, Stator Voltage, THD, as well as the number of levels and the switching frequency of the inverter. Extensive research is carried out to study various performance parameters of the induction motor, such as the FFT analysis and the load torque, the stator current where the motor speed, the rotor current, etc. were investigated. The results are verified by the MATLAB/ SIMULINK environment.




How to Cite

Mirani, F. M. (2023). The Performance Evaluation of an Induction motor with reduced components count multi-level inverter.: Performance Evaluation of Induction Motor when input is reduced components count MLI,. International Journal of Electrical Engineering &Amp; Emerging Technology, 6(1), 38–43. Retrieved from