Design Design and Prototype of an Automated Toll Tax Collection System by using Raspberry Pi


  • Zoya Soomro Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro


Automatic Toll Tax Collection System, Pressure Sensor, Camera Module, Raspberry Pi, Authentication, Toll Gate.


Automatic Toll Tax Collection is a system which helps in the collection of toll taxes in a simple easy and time saving manner. It helps reducing heavy traffic congestion caused in cities by implementing an automatic gate which is controlled electronically. A car moves towards the booth at any type of roads, the system detects the oncoming vehicle through a camera and a pressure sensor. The system identifies the vehicle type, and an amount is deducted accordingly. The objective is to use raspberry pi as a controller for the system. Raspberry pi is a relatively inexpensive controller which is used for research purposes and demonstration of the technology. This whole system can monitor all incoming vehicles and records the vehicle information as well. The system can be used to detect theft by coordinating with the authorities responsible for traffic safety. The system helps reduce traffic congestion at toll plazas and help in reducing fuel consumptions for vehicles by reducing their idling times. The ATCS is an improved, faster, and better solution to the standard toll booths currently in service.




How to Cite

Soomro, Z. (2024). Design Design and Prototype of an Automated Toll Tax Collection System by using Raspberry Pi. International Journal of Electrical Engineering &Amp; Emerging Technology, 7(2), 1–6. Retrieved from